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Tech enthusiast’s German haven: Embracing Cologne’s charms

Contributed By: Abhishek Sharma
Cologne, Germany, Zip Code: 50735

As an IT professional living in the heart of Cologne, Germany, I find myself immersed not only in lines of code but also in the rich culture, architecture, and landscapes that this city has to offer. Living in Cologne has been a blend of cutting-edge technology and timeless German charm, and every day feels like a journey through a digital and cultural wonderland.

It was Cologne’s architecture – a beautiful mix of old and the new – that left me awestruck I first time I stepped out of the airport. Wandering through the cobblestone streets, I often find myself gazing in awe at the majestic Cologne Cathedral – a true masterpiece that stands as a testament to centuries of history. The juxtaposition of historic structures against modern office buildings creates a unique aesthetic that never fails to inspire me.

Cologne Cathedral

Cologne Cathedral

But it’s Rheinpark, that’s my favourite spoy. A picturesque riverside park offering breathtaking views of the Rhine River is a good place to unwind and soak in the city’s atmosphere. Whether I’m enjoying a stroll or simply sitting by the water’s edge with my laptop, the tranquil ambiance and lush greenery provide the perfect backdrop for both work and relaxation.

In the four years that I have been here, Cologne’s coffee culture has become an integral part of my daily routine, and there’s no better place to savour a cup of perfection than at the renowned Van Dyck Coffee Roasters. Nestled in the vibrant Belgian Quarter, this artisanal coffee shop serves up an array of aromatic blends. The cosy atmosphere, combined with the lingering scent of freshly brewed coffee, makes it my go-to spot for both solitary work sessions and laid-back conversations with fellow enthusiasts.

Van Dyk Coffee Roasters

Van Dyk Coffee Roasters

When it comes to dining, Cologne offers a myriad of culinary delights that cater to every palate. My personal favorite is ‘Die Fette Kuh,’ a burger joint that has become a staple in my gastronomic adventures. Their mouthwatering burgers, crafted with locally sourced ingredients, never cease to amaze me. The eclectic mix of flavours and the welcoming ambiance make it a perfect spot to unwind after a challenging day at work.

What adds an extra layer of warmth to my life in Cologne is the thriving Indian diaspora that has established a vibrant community in the city. From authentic Indian restaurants serving delectable curries to cultural events celebrating festivals like Diwali, I feel a strong connection to my roots amidst the German landscape. It’s the seamless integration of diverse cultures that has made me feel right at home.

Living in Cologne has not only broadened my professional horizons but has also enriched my personal life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. The city’s openness to different cultures and ideas fosters a sense of belonging, and I cherish the camaraderie within the Indian expat community. Celebrating traditional festivals with friends and indulging in the diversity of cuisines has become an integral part of my life here.


Cologne’s central location within Europe has opened up opportunities for me to explore neighboring cities easily. Weekend getaways to picturesque towns along the Rhine or day trips to historic castles have become a regular feature of my life, providing a perfect balance between work and leisure.

As an IT professional living in Cologne, I find myself in a city that seamlessly weaves together the past and the present, technology and tradition. From its awe-inspiring architecture to the thriving Indian diaspora, every aspect of Cologne contributes to an enriching and fulfilling experience. As I continue to navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape, I am grateful for the cultural and architectural haven that is my home in Cologne – a city that has not only embraced my professional ambitions but has also become an integral part of my personal journey.


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