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Enjoying the vibes of Montevideo, Uruguay

Contributed By: T. Shrikanth

I am working as an IT professional in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay in South America. It’s far from home but still seems like home because I share my flat with my Indian colleagues here. We move around the Indian community and most of the people we know are employees of our organisation. Our homes are in the same neighbourhood, and there is a great sense of belonging due to this set-up.

ZIP Code | Montevideo


Most of us are from the southern part of India with some from Himachal Pradesh and NCR. I see some Sindhis and Gujarati families as well who are engaged in either import business or run retail outlets of Indian groceries, textile and handicrafts. It is their grocery stores that we frequent for our daily needs.

ZIP Code | Montevideo

Sidewalk along the coast

Montevideo enjoys a laid-back lifestyle and has a major attraction – the longest continuous sidewalk in the world. It’s known as Rambla – a 17-mile-long walkway along the coast.

Weekdays are packed with chores, but during the weekends we try to chill out and see what the city has to offer. Sometimes we go to Mercado del Puerto, Montevideo’s oldest market. Apart from offering all kinds of stuff the market boasts of artists and musicians hanging around to entertain you.

ZIP Code | Mercado del Puerto, Montevideo, Uruguay

Mercado del Puerto, Montevideo

At Montevideo beaches are intertwined with everyday life. There are several neighbourhoods around the beaches. It’s a common sight seeing youngsters engaged in soccer and volleyballs on sand in such neighbourhoods. Along with my flatmates and other Indian colleagues who stay in our neighbourhood we engage frequently in volleyball games after work hours or on the weekends.

Check out more neighbourhood stories on Global Indian

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