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Embracing Copenhagen and enjoying its vibes

Contributed By: Anand Nehra

Copenhagen, Denmark, ZIP Code: 2300

I moved to Copenhagen, Denmark, from Chhattisgarh to work at a hospital. A few of my acquaintances were already working here and found life good, if not excellent. Following their experiences and guidance, I decided to move as well.

I live in a shared accomodation with colleagues who have been friends since my days in India, as well as a few Danes. We have separate rooms but share common areas like the living room and kitchen.Living with Danes has given me the opportunity to develop a working knowledge of their language, Danish, and their culture over the past four years.


Cycling is common at Copenhagen

Copenhagen is known as the world’s most bicycle friendly country, so seeing people cycling in rain and snow is common. With miles of cycling tracks and bridges, I enjoy bicycling around the place on my days off.

We often visit the flea markets, a popular concept here, where I can find simple items at much cheaper prices. We also frequently visit Copenhagen Shopping Street, a pedestrian street located in the heart of the city’s main shopping area. Here, we find everything we need in budget-friendly options at small independent stores. Some of the world’s most prestigious brands are also available in this area for people who can afford. The main street and its numerous side streets are lined with shops, cafes, and restaurants catering to all tastes.


Houseboat ticket counter at Copenhagen

Sometimes when the weather is good, we take canal tours, a great way to see iconic sights around Copenhagen on houseboats. The ride past charming old buildings like the Opera House and The Black Diamond library, is a beauty to behold.

Rosenborg Castle, a 400-year-old castle located in the center of Copenhagen, is another favourite spot. Besides admiring the beautiful monument from outside and enjoying the royal palace park, there’s a lot to see inside the castle. Visiting it makes for a day well spent. 

Rosenborg Castle

Rosenborg Castle

In my four years here, I have visited the castle thrice and yearning for another visit if I get a long wekend, soon.

As a vegetarian, I don’t eat out much and prefer the food we cook at our kitchen, but I love Danish desserts.


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