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Mumbai’s Dadar Parsi colony houses 12% of the community’s population

Parsis are one of the most successful and wealthy minority groups in the world; in India they make up less than 1% of the country’s entire population. Yet the country’s list of top 20 billionaires has four Parsis on it. But the community’s numbers are fast dwindling. According to Indian Census data there were more than 100,000 Parsis in the country in 1941, however, that number had reduced to 60,000 by 2011. Demographic trends suggested that by 2020 there would be only 23,000 Parsis left in India and the community will become a tribe. In Mumbai, where a large number of Parsis reside there are 25 dedicated Parsi colonies. And the Dadar Parsi Colony remains the largest. It houses 15,000 Parsis and accounts for 12% of the community’s global population.

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