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How Twilight brought me to Seattle: An Indian girl’s love affair with the Pacific Northwest

Contributed By: Shibani Thite
Seattle, USA, Zip Code: 98103
During my teen years, I spent countless hours engrossed in the pages of the Twilight series. The books, set in the misty, evergreen town of Forks, Washington, painted a picture of the Pacific Northwest that was both enchanting and mysterious. Little did I know then that these books would play a pivotal role in shaping my future.
I grew up in Mumbai, a city that’s vibrant, bustling, and always alive. The heat, the crowds, the never-ending cacophony—it was my world, but I often found myself dreaming of a place that was the exact opposite. Forks, with its rain-soaked forests and overcast skies, seemed like a distant fantasy. So when I got an opportunity to move to Seattle for a job, it felt like destiny.
Mt Rainier

Mt Rainier

The first thing that struck me when I landed in Seattle was the weather. The cool, crisp air and the gentle drizzle welcomed me, wrapping me in a blanket of nostalgia. It was like stepping into a page from the Twilight books. The towering pines and the serene, grey skies were a stark contrast to the sun-baked streets of Mumbai, and I instantly fell in love.
Seattle’s landscape is nothing short of breathtaking. On clear days, the sight of Mount Rainier in the distance is awe-inspiring. The city itself, nestled between the Puget Sound and Lake Washington, is a beautiful blend of urban life and natural beauty. The public parks, such as Discovery Park and Gas Works Park, offer lush green spaces where one can escape the hustle and bustle of city life. I often find myself wandering these parks, feeling a sense of peace that I had never experienced before.
Beyond the landscape, Seattle’s cultural scene is vibrant and diverse. One of the most pleasant surprises was discovering the thriving Indian community here. From Bollywood dance classes to Diwali celebrations, there’s a strong sense of home away from home. The Indian grocery stores and restaurants dotting the city make it easy to find familiar tastes and ingredients, which was a huge comfort during my initial days of homesickness.
Pike Place Market
One of my favorite places in Seattle is the Pike Place Market. The array of fresh produce, the lively fishmongers, and the artisanal crafts are a feast for the senses. It’s a place where I can spend hours, sipping on freshly brewed coffee and watching the world go by. Speaking of coffee, Seattle’s coffee culture is something I’ve wholeheartedly embraced. The countless cozy cafes provide perfect spots for reading, working, or simply enjoying a quiet moment.
The professional opportunities here have been incredible as well. Working in the tech industry, Seattle’s booming job market has allowed me to grow and learn in ways I never imagined. The work-life balance, which is so valued here, has given me the time to explore my new home and indulge in my love for nature. Weekends are often spent hiking in the nearby Cascade or Olympic mountains, where the trails offer stunning views and a sense of adventure.
Living in Seattle has also given me a newfound appreciation for the rain. Back in Mumbai, the monsoon was often a source of inconvenience. Here, the rain is a gentle, almost soothing presence. It’s a constant reminder of the connection I felt to this place through the Twilight series. Every raindrop feels like a whisper from the past, reminding me of the dreams I had as a young girl.
The community I’ve found here, both Indian and otherwise, has been incredibly welcoming. The friends I’ve made, the festivals celebrated, and the shared meals have all contributed to making Seattle feel like home. The city’s inclusive spirit and its respect for diversity have made my transition smoother than I ever anticipated.
As I reflect on my journey, I realise that sometimes, our dreams take us to unexpected places. For me, a series of books ignited a love for a city I had never seen, and now that city is where I’ve found my happiness. Seattle, with its rain and its evergreen beauty, its mountains and its lakes, has become a part of me. It’s where I’ve built a new life, far from the chaos of Mumbai, yet filled with its own unique charm and rhythm.
In the end, it’s not just the weather or the landscape that makes Seattle special; it’s the feeling of finding a place where you truly belong. And for that, I will always be grateful to the dream that started with a book.

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