Throw open India’s border areas, make it the tourist capital of the world

Throw open India’s border areas, make it the tourist capital of the world

This Article First Appeared In The Print On June 1, 2023

Tourists are likely to be allowed into the “forbidden zones” of Ladakh in the near future. Ladakh was opened to tourists back in the 1970s, but even today they are allowed only up to Pangong Tso and Tso Moriri lakes in Eastern Ladakh. The number of roads they can use are also restricted. According to a Times of India report, as a first step, the Chang Chenmo Sector is likely to be opened for tourism in a gradual manner. To begin with, visitors will be allowed to go via Marsimik La (pass) to Tsogtsalu, 214 km from Leh. In Phase 2, the tourists will be allowed up to Hot Springs and Karam Singh Memorial.

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