Mindtree global indian giving back

Mindtree co-founders Subroto Bagchi and NS Parthasarathy donate ₹425 cr to IISc


Subroto Bagchi and NS Parthasarathy, co-founders of Mindtree Ltd along with their spouses, have donated ₹425 crore to the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) to set up an 800-bed multi-specialty hospital along with a postgraduate medical school.

The hospital will be named as Bagchi-Parthasarathy Hospital and would look into clinical training and research activities. One of the major components of the initiative would be the integrated dual degree MD-PhD programme aimed at creating future physician-scientists, driven by a bench-to-bedside philosophy. They will be trained in the hospital as well as in the science and engineering laboratories at IISc.

The Bagchi-Parthasarathy Hospital will be located inside the existing IISc Bengaluru campus, taking into consideration, the advantage of the co-location of the science and engineering faculties and labs. Construction work has begun. It would be operational by the end of 2024.

The hospital will be having advanced facilities for diagnosis, treatment and research. Its surgical and clinical departments would be facilitating comprehensive treatment and healthcare delivery in several specialties including endocrinology, gastroenterology, nephrology, urology, oncology, cardiology, neurology, dermatology, organ transplant, robotic surgery, ophthalmology, plastic surgery etc.

According to National Medical Commission norms, students admitted in specific MD/MS and DM/MCh programmes would be given relevant practical experience along with their classroom and laboratory training. The hospital will be implementing advanced digital technologies and solutions, such as comprehensive telemedicine suite with haptics interfaces and integrated Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems.

This generous contribution by Mindtree co-founders and their spouses is helping IISC realize its vision of seamless coupling between clinical sciences, basic sciences, and engineering technology disciplines, all anchored within a vibrant university campus. It is enabling high standard cross-disciplinary training and research opportunities for future medical practitioners so that they are able to skilfully serve the society.

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